Here you will find tools & inspiration to get you growing in 2024.
I suggest you bookmark this page so you can back to it & follow along with what’s growing on my small farm, week by week.
Further Resources
Unfortunately, food doesn’t grow on knowledge alone. 👇
Growing food at home takes consistent planning, action and reflection. And you don’t need to go at it alone in 2024.
I'm currently building the yesroots community for a small group of people who want to grow food and connect to each other.
I'm not sure what this will look like yet, but the idea is to equip you with in-depth trainings so you can plan, create and run your own home farm, all while living your normal life.
On top of that, you would be held accountable to your growing plans, to make sure that you follow through, even on the grey days 😉
If you don’t want to go at it alone in 2024, enter your email below & be one of the first to know about the yesroots community of home farmers.